Hey all,

I am a college student and therefore do not have much money to work with, but I do like to take some amateur shots as I wander around with my D-SLR (I have posted some on these forums. Generally, I have a lot to learn and I don't dedicate too much of my time to photography). I got my camera a year ago when a Cannon EOS 10D with the Cannon EF 24-85mm F3.5-4.5 USM was given to my dad. He does lots of international traveling so he decided he did not want to carry the big, bulky, and heavy camera around as he traveled so he traded me for my Panasonic FZ7. I think I won, but then again my camera was a little newer than the 10D. Anyway, I have been considering buying a new body or possibly a new lens. I really would like a telephoto lens and at the same time it would be really cool to have a wide angle lens to shoot buildings along with other scenery and inside buildings especially with a wide aperture for lower light shooting. The one thing I miss the most from my old camera is the macro so I would be very interested in a macro lens. I enjoy taking pictures of flowers especially. All this considered what would you recomend I buy? I should be able to afford something in the range of $700 in the relatively near future. Would you recomend that I start with a new body first maybe? That about sums that up. Also, if you people have any suggestions on things I should look into to become better at shooting I would appreciate the suggestions.
