I like to first of all thank all of you for the knowledge I have gained reading this forum. I maybe a silent forum member, but enjoy returning everyday to see what I may learn.

Currentlywe own the following:


Canon 17-55 f2.8 IS

Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS I

Speedlite 580EX

My wife isgoingto let me splurge for XMAS and feels an investment to"freeze time"tocapture our2yr daugther is always worth it. We are also expecting another child in June. My dilemna is whether to upgrade the 30D to a 7D or maybe get a 35L prime. From what I have heard about the 7D and minimal time renting it, it would be a substantial upgrade in camera body, but in the back of my mind "Good Glass Will Last". We love the pictures from both lenses and feel the camera is adequate, but wonder whether the higher ISO, AF system, fps and HD video will be helpful not just for the immediate future, but also when our future baby starts to run and maybe play sports. The 30D & 70-200 has done wonders with our first child at parks and at the beach.

I've set my lens to 35 and enjoy the perspective and have seen wonderful pictures from the 35L. With the current lens, the 2.8 and flash have been useful with the first child, but wondering whether the f/1.4 and L glass will make it more enjoyable. Also considered, the 35 f.2 but not sure if I would see a tremendous difference from the 17-55 at f2.8.

Family pictures will always be important, but no value can be placed on capturing the kids in their element. With thegrowth and changes we've experienced with the first child, we can't wait to meet our second. With a limited budget and not seeing ourselves splurging $1700 again on camera equipment in the near future, we wanted to see what others have to say and maybe other parents.

7D or 35L or maybe another option???