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Thread: First HDR Photomatix...suggestions?

  1. #1

    First HDR Photomatix...suggestions?

    I appreciate any comments. This is three shots combined. I won't belabor the shooting conditions: XSi with 17-40L on tripod at f/11 iso 100. Freezing...


  2. #2

    Re: First HDR Photomatix...suggestions?

    I like it.

    Especially since it's your first and it's not overdone. Many HDRs are ruined with extremes. The window is interesting.

    HDR is something I've discovered recently as well. Keep it up!

  3. #3

    Re: First HDR Photomatix...suggestions?

    I think it looks great! I like how the wood looks, especially the light under the window, and the shadow light under the eaves. You did good by not making that wretched haloed look. HDR halo images are evil in my humble opinion []

    Photomatix is a great program that really makes tone mapping a breeze.

    Thanks for posting

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