Is it worth it?

I've read reviews that absolutely rave about it, and some that claim it's gawd-awful. I can see how handholding it would be a pain, as you wouldn't be able to zoom easily. But I also want the ring flash look.

I guess I'm looking to be persuaded either way at the moment. I'm a high school senior without a huge budget ($200 for the orbis would take me about a month). I love shooting portraits and experimenting with lighting, but my other side leans to the "am I going to use it that much" "Do I really want to spend $200 when I could get an alienbee 800 for $280?" "Should I put that money in a fund for the 24-70 f/2.8L ?"

It seems I'm paralyzed with indecisiveness. I know my next step is to replace my Cactus V2s system with cybersyncs, but after that I'm at a loss.

Sorry for a "help me do something I should be able to do on my own" post. haha
