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Thread: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    I had it only 2 weeks, last night noticed that it makes a buzzing sound. What the hell is it? When I switched IS off it stopped doing it. IS back on, buzzing back on. This is an expensive lens, is it broken, lemon...? It was not like this when I purchased it and I only took it out once to the park for test shooting. What do I do now? Do I need to take it back to the store I purchased it from and do they send it for repair? I am in Northern California, where do they send it, how long does it take and will it function as new afterwards? I am pretty upset. Please help!!!!

  2. #2
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Nothing to worry about. When you first got your IS lens, you probably never noticed it because you were having so much fun with it. ALL my L-series IS lens makes that kind of buzzing noise when you engage the IS. That's one way to know that the IS is working too.

  3. #3
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Relax my friend. It is normal for any IS DSLR lens to make the buzzing sound. That's just how the IS unit work. It also comes with two clicks when the IS turns on and off. You can also check out at a local camera store with different IS lenses, they're all the same, no matter Canon or Nikon or whatever. That way you'll be convinced.

    I had the 70-200/4L IS for almost two years now. However, if you find that the image in your viewfinder shakes at the moment when the IS is turning on, that might be a problem. But the sound is just normal.


  4. #4
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Ed, the problem is, when I put my old 17-85 IS, it does not sound the same. The new 70-200 has a buzzing motor kind of sound for a while even when I let my finger off the shutter button before or after shot is taken. I know I am completely new to this and a moron non-techie girl, but this worries me...

  5. #5
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    If you look at your user manual, it will say that the IS will keep operating for some time even after you remove your finger from the shutter release button. Mine does exactly the same. It should also be noted that before the IS turns off, it's not OK to turn off your camera or remove the lens. The 17-85's IS does sound different than the 70-200.

  6. #6
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin

    Relax my friend. It is normal for any IS DSLR lens to make the buzzing sound. That's just how the IS unit work. It also comes with two clicks when the IS turns on and off. You can also check out at a local camera store with different IS lenses, they're all the same, no matter Canon or Nikon or whatever. That way you'll be convinced.

    I had the 70-200/4L IS for almost two years now. However, if you find that the image in your viewfinder shakes at the moment when the IS is turning on, that might be a problem. But the sound is just normal.

    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Hi Benjamin

    Thanks for your response I am really concerned. This silly lens has a buzz not like my 17-85 and keeps on buzzing after I take a shot, plus if i take my finger off shutter button, it will keep buzzing for a while as well. It is a motor buzzing, it is weird. Not like my 17-85. I am afraid shops may be closed today for checking out if I am neurotic ( I suspect I am not in this case).. The question is...can they fix it? How will it work, I am so upset, I just purchased it two weeks ago and never even filled out warranty card...

  7. #7
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin

    If you look at your user manual, it will say that the IS will keep operating for some time even after you remove your finger from the shutter release button. Mine does exactly the same. It should also be noted that before the IS turns off, it's not OK to turn off your camera or remove the lens. The 17-85's IS does sound different than the 70-200.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Well, maybe I am neurotic after all? I am going to check in the manual, duh! I have never heard that motor noise before and it does sound weird to me, I am so stunned why I did not pick up on this first if that was supposed to be doing it since the beginning? I will keep taking some pictures today and see how it behaves and if I am still unhappy, perhaps check out lens in a store. Thanks so much, you're that best!

  8. #8
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by BES

    I have never heard that motor noise before and it does sound weird to me,
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    You're welcome.

    I'm not sure what you mean by a motor noise. Is it the "shhhhh" sound from the USM when you're focusing? Well, the IS does in some way sound close to a USM motor, but it should still be distinguishable. In case if you're still worried, do check out a camera store and find a person who knows enough to answer your concerns. But so far from what you discribed, it seems just like how the IS unit works.

  9. #9
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin

    Quote Originally Posted by BES

    I have never heard that motor noise before and it does sound weird to me,
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    You're welcome.

    I'm not sure what you mean by a motor noise. Is it the "shhhhh" sound from the USM when you're focusing? Well, the IS does in some way sound close to a USM motor, but it should still be distinguishable. In case if you're still worried, do check out a camera store and find a person who knows enough to answer your concerns. But so far from what you discribed, it seems just like how the IS unit works.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    No, the noise is more of a gargling shhhh, not a smooth shhhh and it goes for more than two seconds after I take my finger off shutter button, more like 4 seconds. This is what worries me, it just does not sound right to me.

  10. #10
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    Re: problem with my new 70-200 f/4 IS any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by BES

    No, the noise is more of a gargling shhhh, not a smooth shhhh and it goes for more than two seconds after I take my finger off shutter button, more like 4 seconds.
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    It's not a smooth shhh that's correct. More like what you have described, a gargling shhhh. The time for the IS to turn off varys from immediately to as long as 2~3 seconds, I just checked out mine and it does 2 seconds most of the time. So do find a camera store and check out their 70-200s see how they sound like.

    PS: a Canon L lens has IS problems right out of the box does not happen too often at all (i.g. much, much less than having focusing issues). I know you may expect absolute perfection once you spend more than a grand on something, hopefully this is going to give you some peace of mind.

    Good luck!

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