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<p class="MsoNormal"]Hi,
<p class="MsoNormal"]I want to buy a DSLR for general use and in particular to
photograph my daughter&rsquo;s indoor volleyball games.<span> After a lot of poking around on the internet and
some time at the camera store I concluded that a Canon T2i would be a good
choice.<span> I&rsquo;d like to spend what&rsquo;s
necessary, but no more.<span> I thought that on
balance the increased value of the T2i vs. less expensive cameras was
worthwhile, but the added value of more expensive cameras wasn&rsquo;t worth the cost
for me.<span> I&rsquo;d love to get a 60D or 7D, but
didn&rsquo;t think that for my needs the extra costs was justified.<span>
<p class="MsoNormal"]<span>Then at http://www.cameratown.com/reviews/ca...s_7d/index.cfm,
which compares the 7D and T2i, I read this:&rdquo;The Rebel T2i features a reliable
but slower 9-point AF system. The center point is a cross-type AF sensor for
use with f/2.8 or faster lenses. While overall reliable, the Rebel T2i focusing
system was not designed to accurately keep up with fast moving objects
(tracking).&rdquo;<span> I doubt that I&rsquo;ll be able
to afford an f/2.8 or faster zoom lens, so I wouldn&rsquo;t be using the center point
cross-type sensor at all.<span>
<p class="MsoNormal"]At http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/re...ssage=36168302
there&rsquo;s also this: &ldquo;The xxxD and xxD have always shared these features. But the
AF is NOT the same. 550D has a cross sensor only at the center. 60D continues
the xxD of cross sensors at all 9 positions, and the center is both
"+" orientation with slow lenses and "x" orientation with
f/2.8 and faster.&rdquo;
<p class="MsoNormal"]At https://dojoklo.wordpress.com/2010/0...s_50d_vs_550d/
there&rsquo;s this: &ldquo;The 60D shares a similar autofocus system to the T2i and the
previous 50D, with 9 focus points and three auto focusing modes. However the 9
AF points of the 60D are more sensitive than those of the T2i: all are
cross-type in the 60D, only the center is cross-type in the T2i.&rdquo;
<p class="MsoNormal"]At http://www.bobatkins.com/photography...D_preview.html
<span>there&rsquo;s this: &ldquo;The main difference
between the EOS 7D and EOS 60D is that the 7D has a new 19 point AF system with
cross sensors at all 19 positions, while the 60D has the older 9 zone AF system
(from the 50D), again with cross sensors in all 9 positions. The T2i has a
similar 9 zone pattern, but only uses a cross sensor for the center AF zone.&rdquo;<span>
<p class="MsoNormal"]All these comments suggest that the AF on the 60D is
superior to that of T2i, but what I&rsquo;m unsure about is how much difference I&rsquo;ll
notice shooting indoor volleyball.<span> It
could be that the superiority of the 60D AF won&rsquo;t be noticeable, but I have no
idea if that&rsquo;s true.<span> Can anyone with
real world experience with these cameras or sports photography experience help
me with this?<span>
<p class="MsoNormal"]Thanks,
<p class="MsoNormal"]Mike