I have been practicing alittle in PS CS5 which is all new to me and one photo I posted in the "Post Your Pets" thread where for the first time I merged two images to have all three dogs looking at the camera at the same time.

The two photos below I used my 7d & 100-400mm set at 400mm, f/6.3, 1/1600. The first photo I post-processed in DPP and in the second one I followed the steps Scott Kelby shows in his CS5 book for fixing depth of field problems.

Please let me know what your opinions are on both of them ...

#1 - Post-Processed in DPP

#2 - Post-Processed in CS5

Not so sure I like the vignette he said to apply in the last step. Maybe if I changed the settings he suggested. For his picture of a bride, it looked good!

Thanks for looking!
