<span>Went to Monte Cristo last night to take pictures of the Milky Way. It's about the closest mountainous area I can get to, noise polution is very minimal here. After we got up there the subject matter changed. Climbing to the highest peak, every direction all we could see were lightning storms with thousands of stars directly overhead. We were in our own little photographer's heaven, untouchable by the bad weather. The camera gods were smiling on us. (for once, a bit of luck)

<span>Here is one of my favorites of the night:


This is basically straight from the camera, didn't adjust the color or exposure (clipped some blacks, added a bit of contrast). Just added noise reduction and minimal sharpening.

<span>Shot info below for anyone interested.

Camera: Canon EOS 7D
<span class="text_exposed_show"]Lens: EF-s 17-55mm f/2.8 IS

ISO: 640
Exposure: 30 sec.
f-stop: 2.8
Length: 17mm