Hopefully someone can give me some insight as to what is all of a sudden going on with my camera!

When I came home from work, first thing I did was my usual grab the camera and take the dogs out in the backyard & take some shots (just my unwind before cooking dinner routine).

Everything was working perfectly fine! Then when I came inside, I remembered that I had a RS-80N3 that I had mailed to me at work today that I had bought from an FM member. So, I tried it out and all was good but instantly when I unplugged it, I lost all capability of my back screen!!!! I can't view my menut or my camera settings! It's completely black, until I turn the camera off & then all I can see is the sensor cleaning notification before it shuts off.

It also looks like one of the prongs is bent now where the RS-80N3 plugs in. Could this be causing the problem? Also, when I turn the camera on know, the lens goes into this auto focus mode of trying to focus on its own when I don't even have the shutter pressed half-way.

Help, please! It is still covered under Best Buy extended warranty but if I send it in now ...I lose any chance of capturing fall colors, so timing isn't the best to be without a camera! I'm not even sure if whatever is wrong would be covered under warranty.

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give!


UPDATE: I plug my camera into my computer to get the pictures off the card and now I cannot even do that! The camera is not reading the card ...I think itthinks I want to take a picture because I could hear the lens focus on its own!!! This is crazy!