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Thread: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    San Francisco, CA

    Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    I noticed a site was selling the 5D MKII for only 900 euros!!! Yay!!! that's about 1200 dollars... only problem is, it sounds too good to be true. Then I realized it was a place in China. Does anyone know if ordering from China is okay? I've heard great things from one person who orders his filters from China, and he's never had a problem.... but for things more expensive.... I just don't know!

    That's the site... looking forward to peoples experience or opinions.....

  2. #2

    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    Canon EOS 1D Mark IV 16.1 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3-Inch LCD... 2520 Euro Wow!

    This indeed sounds a bit to good to be true. If someone is doing ok with filters, sure, maybe that might be worth the risk, they don't cost much, but I would'nt take the risk with 900 EU, no way.

    Just my 2 cents.. good luck.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    well, as someone living in china, I'd advise you to proceed with caution here. Cameras are actually more expensive in china and i'll explain why. Foreign companies usually operate in special economic zones, as such, all their product goes straight out of the country. Any sales that they make inside the country are very heavily taxed and this brings the price up past what we are used to. Not to mention the weak buying power of most stores here.

    one more point, their payment method involvestransferringstraight to their bank account. no paypal or anything, goodbye money! if you google the website, there are several forums saying that they are fraudulent.

  4. #4
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    Just out of curiosity I e-mailed them with this question:
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;"]
    Your prices seem too good to be true. How can you sell so cheap? What is the catch? taxes, import fees, scam, etc..?

    Here was their answer:
    <p style="padding-left: 30px;"]
    The company is senior agent of many manufacturers. We can purchase on low
    price from powerful suppliers. We sell our products online, this also reduce
    the marketing costs. Five years' experience in international trades cause a
    efficient sale process that can reduce inventory costs. In addition, a
    reasonable profit and less taxes also the reasons that we are able to sell
    on low price.
    You can see some of our recent trades, here are some track numbers for our
    customers: EE017860675CN, EE337477595CN, EE017860919CN, EE312708086CN,
    EE017860922CN, EE312706788CN, EE017863053CN, EE017864456CN, you can check
    them on the EMS website: .

    The company can make the customs clearance for you, and you need to pay
    additional 17% charges for the service. You will get package at your door
    without paying any other taxes. Also you can deal with customs yourself. Any
    way, our delivermen will try to reduce your customs taxes.
    Please register an account and order the goods online, then you will get the
    exact amount and the detailed information of payment.

    It still does not convince me to send them my money. Just thought it was interesting.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    i am from chinaand i am pertty sure it's a swindler.

    Do not send you money!!!

    chinese camera market is somehowclarity. 5D MKII sells RMB16000 (euro 1800)here at least. and the trade price wouldn't be much lower than it<span class="trans"]. <span class="trans"]cameras never sales cheaper herein china. in fact,many chinese users buycameras and lenses abroad for a cheaper price.

    <span class="trans"]

    if the site is really build by somechinese, i feel shameons the them.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    [8o|] I got caught, and I'm ashamed I didn't know of this forum before transferring cash. Don't use It's a fraud!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    I realize that you are looking at camera prices, however before joining TDP I had ordered filters from this site and had no problems at all. Everything went smoothly and as they said it would including free shipping and as prices listed. If I need something and can not afford to buy it by going through Brian's links I have ordered there since joining TDP.

    Not all shopping overseas is a bad experience. In my case it may have helped ( all though I doubt it ) that my wife who is Philippine worked for several years in Taiwan and does speak and understand some of their language. When I talked to them they spoke in English and we could still do business without problem.

    Over time I/we have done quite a bit of business with Chinese firms as my wife also has an online, Ebay and Amazon stores ( all under the name Quintessential Outdoor Fare ) and when ever there has been a problem we have been able to work it out. In fact we have found that the firms that we have done business with were more than willing to do all they could to resolve any issue and bent over backward to give us excellent customer service. Often much, much better than what we have gotten here in the states with a lot more courtesy
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    As with most things there are good and bad issues to deal with. Rarely is everything or everyone really bad or really good all the time.

    That's my $.02

    May our Lord bless us all on this day and may we all be generous to pass our blessings on to others. You just never know who's Corn Flakes got pooped on this morning and they really needs tenderness and understanding rather than confrontation.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Ordering from China: Does anyone have any experience or good information about this?

    I would be hesitant and deem this a *too good to be true* purchase.

    The only international stores that I've purchased items from:

    I've purchased filters and camera remotes and other small camera accessories without issue so have many other friends.

    Canon 450D Gripped, Canon 24-105 f/4L, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II, Sigma 10-20 EX f/4-5.6, Canon S95

    “There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” -Ansel Adams

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