That would be cool...[H]

I know all you 40 and 50D owners are biting at the bit to upgrade you APS-C bodies but wouldn't it be cool for Canon to launch a FF 7D with the specs listed on CanonRumors? The latest rumor of it showing up in BestBuy's inventory at $2699.00 must be from someonein LA $$. If the price were under $2000.00,I'd be at least the 1003rd person in line for it. I would upgradeone of my 40'sas well asmy 5D.

* FF
* 3″ OLED
* 12.7 MP
* ISO100-25600
* Digic IV
* Wide DR mode, sRAW
* 9 focus points (+6)
* 3.4 FPS
* Pentaprism, same as 5dII
* No video
* No flash
* $1999 target

It would be the lowest price FF on the market with all of the features of the 5D MkII less 9 megapixels and video. That would be awesome for those of us on a budget.

Tick Tock, just watch that clock..............[]