
I have a quick question on copyrights and selling images.

Background:<span style="font-weight: normal;"]I've shot a handful of senior portraits this year and want to offer a deal where the client can buy a CD of his or her images at full resolution and copyright free. My thought is the client gets: all of his or her images backed up on a CD, the ability to take the disc to a local printing place and have the images printed.

Question: If the images on the disc are free of my watermark, are they "copyright free"? I process with Adobe LightRoom 2 and there is a "Copyright Status" drop-down box under the metadata options. I have that filled out as "copyrighted". There is also a "copyright" box in which I have entered "rodgerobley". Will a local Ritz, Sams Club, Wal-mart etc, detect that copyright from LR2 and not allow my client to print the images?

*I ask because I had my watermark on some images I got printed awhile back and when my mom tried to pick them up, the man wouldn't let her. He needed my signature to release the prints. I would hate for my clients to run into the same situation! haha.

Thanks as always,
