I recently just got a new strap/sling for my camera, a Black Rapid Cross Shot. The thing is great, it's comfortable, and it functions perfectly. I sling it so the camera rests at my hip, right where my hand naturally falls on the grip. No issues with it at all.

The issue I do have though, is that I also carry a knife clipped to my pocket. It's a metal clip, and it happens to be level with where my new 100-400L II rests. Just went on a little adventure downtown, and I sat down to take a break and I noticed that my walking combined with the lens resting on my hip has marred up the side some. It's not too severe, but it's enough to bug me.

I've included a picture below. I understand that, according to Bryan at least, Canon no longer ships their official touch up paint to the U.S. I was wondering if there is a substitute available. Or perhaps, if I sent it back to Canon for a cleaning or something they would touch up the paint while it was there if I asked nicely. Any information is welcome, thank you.