Hi Everyone,

I was going to post on this a little later but I was just talking to people about it and making plans. A few weeks ago, I learned of the Merrimack River Eagle Festival in Newburyport, MA (February 12). Here is the link if any of you are interested.


If I understand it correctly, the eagles congregate near Newburyport in the winter because the Merrimack River doesn't freeze over in this stretch.

I went out looking for eagles on New Years Eve, didn't see any, but my BIF duck/GBH pictures were less than great. I am headed down there again this weekend to try my luck and I was wondering if anyone had some general tips on capturing birds in flight, eagles in particular or,if anyone has done this before,eagles around Newburyport. I am planning on using my 7D with the 100-400L. I have a polarizer, but I am not sure if I'll have enough light to lose the 1.7 stops. I was using AI Servo with only the single AF middle point active. I am thinking about using AI Servo with all AF points active. Also, before I kept my ISO at 400. I'm now thinking of bumping it to ISO 1600 to give myself more shutter speedand perhaps use the polarizer.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
