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Thread: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

  1. #1
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    My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    My oldest daughter and I have had our disagreements lately but we decided to put all that behind us. Today she visited and allowed me to take photos for the first time of my newest granddaughter, Krista Joy!

    I have never done an actual photoshoot with babies or children before where Iused external flash set-ups, a backdrop or using photoshop afterwards to get everything just right.

    So before I get too carried away with the other photos, please give me your opinion on the only photo I have ready to view . I think it looks best if you click on the photo and view it in flickr with the black background.

    The biggest challenge was trying to remove lots of drool!

    I bring to you, Krista Joy ...

    Thanks for viewing!


    EDIT: Now that I have uploaded it, I think it looks a tad dark. I did add some vignetting which I like but do you think I should up the exposure a bit?

  2. #2
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Exposure is fine on my monitor.

    It is wonderful you finally got to do this.......she is a very cute little girl..

  3. #3
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Denise, Very Nice Job---and good work on removing the DROOL. But yes, I do think it is just a tad too dark. Also, on my monitor I can see a couple of white lines at the top of the baby

  4. #4
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Thank you for taking a look!

    I didn

  5. #5
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725
    Any idea on how I can fix that, Bob?

    Well, no---I know it can be done (ihave been watching my PS videos) but I am not good enough to provide detailed instructions. If I was to even attempt that, I would try an adjustment mask on just the arms and tweak the white balance, but I have never done that before. Perhaps on of our PS gurus can provide some detailed instructions.---What editing software do you use?

  6. #6
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    To me the lines look like it is a bit over sharpened, I think you can fix that very easily. I went to 100x before I could really start to see it on my 24" monitor.

    I am going to disagree with Bob on the arms. Having raised two little auburn hair boys, I think the skin tones and the arms are probably just right. They don't match the face but then they wouldn't, babies arms are not going to match her face always. But I checked with the baby expert, the wife says she thinks it is just right as well, especially how she is posed and laying on her arms. ...The wife also says the she is adorable .....

  7. #7
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Thank you & thank your wife for me! I have been trying for the last hour to fix the coloring on her arm and everything I have tried looks very unnatural. Mostly because I am not very good at the editing part yet other than very simple tasks. I know a baby

  8. #8
    Senior Member bouwy's Avatar
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Beautiful photo. Well done Denise.

    Wally Bouw Flickr Vimeo

  9. #9
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Hi Denise, it is indeed a very beautiful shot. If I was looking to make a constructive comment it might only be the colours are please excuse my lack of subtlety, but they are a little drab.

    You have an off white lambswool, a greyish blanket and a white t-shirt on Krista Joy and a white background.

    I think with your skills that you have now with B&W conversions this shot might make a great B&W, but I think you need to explore the colour palate a little with this sort of shot.

    Please take these comments with a grain of salt, if you were looking for a subdued, common toned theme, but from looking at your pumpkin shots you can explore colour matches and contrasts to your advantage and this might be an avenue to explore woth your daughter and Krista Joy.

    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  10. #10
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    Re: My First Baby Photoshoot - Opinions Please!

    Thank you, Wally & Steve! Steve, you and I are on the same ;page as far as the color goes. That is one of the main things I noticed right from the beginning. I was very surprised in how she was dressed when my daughter knew I wanted to take some portraits of her. It also would have been nice if she would have brought her favorite toys or stuffed animal. Color and props were definitely lacking.

    I am going to play with the photos more today and see what changes I can make.

    Thanks again!


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