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Thread: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    Is it worth it for me to get rid of the 1.8 for the 1.4? I have recently started doing more and more portraits. I will be getting the 85mm f/1.8 soon and was thinking it might be time to move up from the 50mm 1.8. Any thoughts? I would love to hear from someone that has had both lenses or at least had a chance to compare them. I bought the 1.8 back when I was in high school and didn't have the money for the 1.4, but now that I have the cash I'm thinking I should upgrade. Better build quality, wider aperture, slightly sharper, FTM focus.

  2. #2
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?


  3. #3
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    Am I the only guy happy with his canon 50 f/1.4?

    No, it isn't razor sharp at f/1.4, but the even the 35 f/1.4 and 85 f/1.2 aren't either (they're sharper than the 50, I admit). No, the build quality isn't as good as some lenses, but it's fine with me. The bokeh isn't as good as the 50 f/1.2, but it is far better than that of the 50 1.8. (The vignetting is pretty bad at f/1.4, no question).

    I've never used the sigma- so I'm not comparing the canon to that. But it's hard to imagine someone upgrading from the canon f/1.8 (as I once did) being disappointed. I've taken lots of nice pictures with my 50. IMO an upgrade (be it to canon or sigma) is worthwhile.

  4. #4
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    Am I the only guy happy with his canon 50 f/1.4?

    No, it isn't razor sharp at f/1.4, but the even the 35 f/1.4 and 85 f/1.2 aren't either

    They aren't?

    If it gets sharper than the 85 1.2 I don't need to know about it.

  5. #5
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    I'm relatively happy with my Canon 50mm f/1.4. I've never owned the 50mm f/1.8, but the reason I bought the f/1.4 version is because I borrowed the f/1.8 from a friend and absolutely hated the build quality and loud/cheap AF.

  6. #6
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?


    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters

    I borrowed the f/1.8 from a friend and absolutely hated the build quality and loud/cheap AF.

    Another reason why I am thinking of upgrading

    Quote Originally Posted by salazarbrujo

    dont forget the other choices as well~ the 100mm maco and non macro are very good! the 85mm 1.8 is excellent from what i have read,and seen! i personally have used the 100mm macro non is and it is very nice!

    I want the 100mm f/2.8 IS Macro but that can wait. If I replace my 50mm f/1.8 it will be with another 50mm

  7. #7
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    I had the f/1.8. It was cheap, awful AF. Sold it for how much i paid for it. I have f/1.4. I

  8. #8
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

    No, it isn't razor sharp at f/1.4, but the even the 35 f/1.4 and 85 f/1.2 aren't either
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    They aren't?

    If it gets sharper than the 85 1.2 I don't need to know about it.

    I'm not talking about stopped way down, I mean at f/1.4. My new 85 f/1.2 is definitely sharper at f/4 than f/1.4. And it has major CA at f/1.2. (gone when stopped down).

    I'm not saying I've used a sharper lens at f/1.4, but it isn't what I call "razor sharp".

    Are you telling me your 85 f/1.2 is super sharp wide open?

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    I'd like to reply here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baker
    Is it worth it for me to get rid of the 1.8 for the 1.4?

    Definitely. I had the 50mm f1.8 for quite some months, but I haven't enjoyed it once. It's not a bad lens at all if you know how to work with it, but I can't imagine anyone really enjoying shooting with one after having a taste of the "big brothers".

    Honestly, the AF sound, build-quality and very poor and breakable character of this lens turned me down enourmously. I must also admit that the focal length wasn't my thing that time. At the time I was shooting with a crop-camera and I didn't like the 50mm focal length. Plus the 50mm of my Tamron 17-50 f2.8 at the time was more pleasingand useful to me for 99/100 situations back then.

    When I upgraded to full-frame and I was in search of something low-light I examined my favorite focal length and I started to see that I shoot a lot around the 50mm range so I decided to look there.

    The amateur photographer that I am doesn't need and doesn't have the money for a 50mm 1.2L so I was down to a quest [] It came down to the Canon f1.4 USM or the Sigma 50mm f1.4 HSM. Both are in the same category and class. However there are some differences.

    I tried both lenses in a store. Inside unfortunately so my testing might not be the most accurate, but I instantly saw the difference in sharpness between both lenses. Wide open the Sigma looked much sharper to me. And it's actually very usable at f1.4. And I like to have the opportunity to use a lens at it's maximum setting. That's what I pay for right?

    Anyway sharpness was not the only thing. I also like the build quality of the Sigma much better. It has a metal body vs a plastic one. It's bigger and in this case bigger is better. I like the extra weight and the larger focus ring. It just feels more natural on the camera. I like to hold the camera with both hands. With the 50mm f1.8 this was practically impossible [:P]

    The 77mm filter thread was also appealing to me since I have more lenses with this size and so I don't have to buy a different polarizer etc for each lens.

    All in all I prefered the Sigma over the Canon so I bought it.

    Here's the has focus-issues. In my case it front-focussed, but with a +9 micro-focusadjustment this was solved and it left me with a great lens. However when reading some reviews and user-experiences, the fcusissues are a Sigma-quality. So for that fact I personally wouldn't buy one without any gaurantee or return-policy. It's a risk you can take and it can turn out great or it can eat you.

    It was worth the risk for me and I enjoy the fact that I did. Economically speaking, both lenses cost practically the same at the moment (that was a major con for the Sigma when it was released) so that's solved now.

    Now that I have used the micro-focus adjustment I must say that this might also have worked for the Canon. But I will never know.

    I'm voting for the Sigma. You're going to love the image-quality! The bokeh is just lovely...devine compared to the 50mm f1.8 you're using now [] But I recommend it with two side-notes:

    1 - The Sigma might have focus-issues. Chances are real so be prepared if you're going here.

    2 - Try both lenses out if you have the chance.

    Good luck,


    PS: check out revies on both lenses at for example. But look only to reviews when both lenses are reviewed by the same site/person. This will give you the most objective view.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Re: Upgrade 50mm f/1.8 to 50mm f/1.4?

    the 1.4 is a well worthed upgrade from the 1.8. not only sharper but the full time manual is a must have feature with such a shallow DOF, it made the difference for me

    but the question here is not which 50mm gives you the more bang for your buck it

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