Just found this great site, I have been reading some of the discussions on this site and one thing I have noticed is that a lot of members are paranoid about looking after their cameras, for me this is crap I have brought my very nice 50d and can't be happier but what is the use of spending all that money if your not going to get out there to take photo's (that's what where all about ain't it), and before you all say I have more money than sense, forget it I'm just an average Joe who has somehow or other manged to destroy several cameras over the last several years, and it has cost me some bucks that I cannot afford, but because I get out there some of the pic's I have gotten have made it all worth it.

So are you going to get a nice camera and just take family photo's(go and buy a point and shoot) or use your gear for what its made for getting out there and showing the world through your eyes.