For this assignment Robert(rslhc) has come up with: Long Exposure
Here's a small assignment description from him:
Long Exposure can be a bit ambiguous so you are free to take creative liberties with this. This could be night time with Landscape shots where long exposures are needed or where light trails are made, or even lightening shots. Or Long Exposure could be daytime with waterfalls, rivers, moving cars, or sky shots with NDs. Be creative and show everyone what you can do with the old tripod and long exposures.
The following photos are chosen as finalists:
Name: thekingb
Motivation: This shot just reminded me of some of the night work I have done on my own. I love the elements of both the great skyline and car trails.
Name: Freelanceshots
Motivation: Love the lighting and the mood of this, as well as the fact that it is a pano. You don't see a whole lot of night/long exposure pano's. Of course, since it is Freelanceshots, this image is amazingly clean and crisp. Well done!
Name: conropl
Motivation: This image is definitely one I knew would be a finalist for me. I love the landscape by itself, but with the star trails it is just awesome. Definitely the kind of image I was looking forward to seeing
Name: SteveU
Motivation: This image is a phenomenal submission for a B&W, Skyline, or Long Exposure assignment, so I hope you get your mileage from it! Very clean image and aside from being a great long exposure/skyline shot which would excite me, it is also a Great B&W.
Name: Erno James
Motivation: I changed my 5th finalist I think 4 or 5 times. There were so many great shots and creative submissions. I chose this because I loved the foreground of the water and posts, and also the fact that I was in SF last fall and fell in love with the scenery in the bay area.
The poll will be open for 3 days. Good luck and well done people!