
I had some time today and stopped by my local Camera shop in MA. My main objective was to handle the Aluminum and Carbon Fiber versions of the Manfrotto 055PROXB Tripod or the 055CXPRO3 model. I like those models because of the quality, height and the price. Gitzo isn't in the budget. I say height because I am 6' 5".

The salesman asked me to check out the Benro A-297EX (Aluminum) at $130 (i think) and the Benro C-297EX (Carbon Fiber) at $250. He insisted the quality was equal to the Manfrotto tripods. The Benro models come with a carrying case too. They appear to be discontinued models that they have limited quantities of. The Benros were lighter than the Manfrotto models, had similar features and seemed decent. There are very few reviews out there, not a good sign, so I figured I would ask you guys.

Are they any good?

This store tried to sell me Promaster filters before swearing they were as good as B + W. Turns out they are glorified Hoya filters.

