So I have a budget for some new equipment of about $1000-$1500. I am debating between the 16-35 f/4 or a new, sturdier tripod. Right now I have a Gitzo GT0531 with a RRS BH-25 ball head. This was a great setup for my T2i, but too lightweight for my 5DIII (especially with 70-200 2.8). It is usable, but not a sturdy as I'd like. I was looking at either a Gitzo 3 series Systematic or RRS TVC-33 and a RRS BH-55 ball head.

This is mostly for landscape work. If I opt for the tripod, I will mostly shoot with my 24-70 2.8L II. I could obviously stitch multiple shots at 24 for wider views still. I have a nodal slide already. If I get the 16-35, I could still get a heavier ball head to use with my current tripod, which i think would help quite a bit.

I'm really back and forth on this right now, so just looking for some input.
