I noticed just this afternoon that Adorama, B&H, Amazon and others raised the price of the EF 100-400 from $1360 to $1400 (after current Canon rebate applied). If you were just about ready to "pull the trigger" on a lens, better get out and look for a reseller that had not yet raised prices.

I found an article on Bloomberg.com today that speaks to what happened to the Yen:

"The Japanese yen weakened versus 15 of the 16 most-active
currencies on prospects that gains in U.S. stocks will spur
investors to buy higher-yielding assets. The results of the
stress tests, due out at 5 p.m. in Washington today, will show
JPMorgan Chase &
doesn’t need a deeper reserve against losses, people
familiar with the matter said yesterday."

Reading that article, it would appear to me that prices for these lenses may remain up or go higher for awhile. There are some resellers that have not yet adjusted prices, but that may change soon. I think the big boys (Adorama, B&H, ect) were just faster on the draw due to these currency changes.
