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Thread: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Hi All -

    This weekend I took lots of very early morning shots of deer and in all the photos, I have the reflection in of my flash in the eyes. I posted a few in the nature thread that I was able to remove but I was working on a few more last night and can

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Why would you want to remove a catchlight? Having a catchlight helps create the sense of life in your subject...

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    I like the catch-light too! I would like to learn how to add it!

    Denise, I like the ring flash in your Spider photo in the Macro Thread. I guess it comes down to personal preferences.

    I think you could break catch-lights down into the different types, such as; a solid catch-light, complete circular ring, broken ring (2 semi-circular rings), or multiple solid catch-lights, and then decide which one looks better for certain situations.

    I think a good goal would be to make the catch-light look natural, although I don't think you need to make the Spider Photo look more natural as I think it looks pretty cool the way it is.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    I like catchlights too! I

  5. #5
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Sure, I understand.., it may work with a creepy Spider, but you don't want Bambi looking possessed!

    Edit: So, I guess that leaves you with the choice of diffusing the light before hand, orsmoothing it out in PP.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Hey sometimes the possessed demon look is kind of fun! I was delighted when I discovered what my flash did to this shot.


  7. #7
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Huyer

    Hey sometimes the possessed demon look is kind of fun! I was delighted when I discovered what my flash did to this shot.

    Right, like in my spider pic but for this one, I'd prefer normal ...

  8. #8
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Most of them I was able to fix in DPP to a point that they are at least worth saving ...

    Some turned out better than others. The last one I left as it was which I think it's ok.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Just as an FYI,.the reason why I was trying to get a few of these looking good is because ...

    At the engineering firm where I work, we have a big screen TV/monitor in the lobby which we use to display past projects that we have done with our company logo on each photo in a powerpoint presentation for our clients & employees viewing. Well, I was told today to put together a powerpoint slideshow of a number of my photos and that is what will be showing in our lobby from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays ...with of course D Trocio Photography at the bottom of each photo

    I cannot believe that I was actually able to pull together pretty many photos that don

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Removing flash reflection in animals eyes

    Wow, that's today! Good luck Denise[Y]

    I guess the answer is no, but weren't you able to photograph the deer without a flash? Even at the cost of having a slower shutterspeed which might cause some motion? I personally think it's very hard to take a natural photo with flash.

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