The last couple nights after work I have gone out and tried to take some autumn photos. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year so I was very much looking forward to this! I swear out of all the photos I've taken I can't find ONE that I like! [:'(] First night, I felt I didn't have a wide enough lens (not much room to back up on these narrow trails) and I didn't have a polarizerfilter with (that's what I get for rushing to put it all together before work)! So, my composition stunk and it is getting a hr. before sunset anywayso in the woods, lighting is 1/2 too dark, 1/2 to bright ...errr!Plus it doesn't thrill me to walkthru woodsby myself thatI've never been in when it's getting dark!

Tonight, I had the 17-55mm and a polarizer and I went to a different county to get some shots but by the time I got there, it was even closer to sunset! [] I am HOPING this weekend to go much earlier and praying there will still be leaves on the trees to take pictures of! I know I took much better fall photos last yr. with my T1i and kit lens!

I haven't gone thru all of them yet, but so far these are the best of the horrible....

Any advice before I go out again would be greatly appreciated!
