Hi, this is my first post, but I'm pretty confident that I'll get good advice so here goes.

I recently sold my 350D and bought a 40D. It is a great camera that I'm totally happy with. But the other night it froze on me. The lcd display and menus functionned normally but the camera wouldn't shoot. Autofocus was dead and while the top-screen was active none of the settings could be changed, whether it be shutter speed, ISO aperture or whatever. And of course the shutter-fire button was completely dead. Turning it off and on did nothing, neither did clearing the camera settings. What finally restored it to functionality was taking out and then putting back in the battery.

Which is to say it works normally again but still that little episode scared the s&*t out of me.

So I'm wondering if that has ever happened to anyone before and what could cause that. Personally I'm wondering if its because for the past week I've been using an Olympus FL-40 external flash. Could this be causing my camera to go buggy? Before last night I never had any problem with using the flash (apart from of course the fact that the flash and the camera don't communicate). Or is this just a random and (hopefully) one time only bug? Should I not be using this flash on my camera?

Thanks for any input,
