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Thread: Looking to upgrade from my T3i and I have a few questions.

  1. #1
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    Question Looking to upgrade from my T3i and I have a few questions.

    Hello all,
    I don't post here often, I mostly find all my questions have been answered previously so I typically lurk. However, I've got some questions that I would like answered that I couldn't find answers for after a quick search.

    Currently, I have a Canon T3i with battery grip, the kit 18-55mm, Canon's 55-250mm, Canon's 50mm f/1.4, and Canon's 100mm Macro f/2.8, as well as Canon's 320EX flash and Canon's RC-6 wireless remote.

    The body I am considering is the Canon 7D. I am told it has the same image quality as the T3i due to using the same sensor, but I am more interested in it for it's focusing abilities and frame-rate. A few of the questions I have though are as follows -

    -Will the RC-6 remote work with this, or should I bundle that with the T3i, kit lens, battery grip, extra battery, and spare tripod when/if I sell it?

    -Is the focusing noticeably faster on the 7D vs. the T3i? Or is it simply a matter of better focusing? How is the tracking in AI Servo mode?

    -How does the 18-135mm compare to the 18-55mm that it will be replacing? Is it the same performance just with more range? Or is one better than the other? Would the 28-135mm be the better choice over the 18-135mm? The wider angle I am losing would not be an issue since I am planning on getting the Tokina 11-16mm down the line.

    -Speaking of the Tokina, how does it perform overall, but more specifically on the 7D?

    -Another lens I want is the Canon 100-400mm, how well does that perform on the 7D?

    -Any pros the T3i has over the 7D? Other than something to do with weight, dimensions, cost? Other than the VariAngle screen?

    Those are some of the questions I have, I am sure I will be able to think of more at some point. I know I'm asking alot, but any help will be greatly appreciated.

    If it helps, I do a lot of nature photography, bands, and things such as airshows or sporting events.

    Thank you in advance,
    David Ware

  2. #2
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    The AI-Servo tracks better on the 7D. I don't know if it really focuses any faster, but it either estimates better, the lower shutter lag improves the estimates, or the firmware doesn't intentionally cripple it for a low-end camera. I'm not sure which.

    According to Bryan, the RC-6 should work on the 7D.

    You'll lose the T3i's video zoom feature, if that's something you care about.

    I would hesitate to get the 28-135mm. 28 is not wide at all. The 11-16 is ultra-wide, so you'll still be missing an important chunk of focal length, and you'll constantly be fiddling around swapping lenses. If you're looking for a quality replacement for the kit lens, with more range, and you're fine with the aperture on the 18-55mm, the 15-85mm is the lens to look at. For a wider aperture, look for the Canon 17-55mm IS, or look for a Tamron 17-50mm (non VC) to save a few hundred.

    From what I've seen in reviews, when it first came out, the original 18-135mm (non STM) isn't anything special. I'd rather take any of the three lenses I mentioned above. The 18-135mm STM looks to be decently sharp, but I haven't yet seen an in-depth review of it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidEccleston View Post
    You'll lose the T3i's video zoom feature, if that's something you care about.
    I have only tried it a few times, but for sure would not miss it if I changed cameras. If you actually use it while recording, you ruin your video.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidEccleston View Post
    I would hesitate to get the 28-135mm. 28 is not wide at all. The 11-16 is ultra-wide, so you'll still be missing an important chunk of focal length, and you'll constantly be fiddling around swapping lenses. If you're looking for a quality replacement for the kit lens, with more range, and you're fine with the aperture on the 18-55mm, the 15-85mm is the lens to look at. For a wider aperture, look for the Canon 17-55mm IS, or look for a Tamron 17-50mm (non VC) to save a few hundred.
    There is a used 17-55 for sale here in the forum:

  4. #4
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    I too am looking to do the upgrade, and moving to FF vs. crop. It sounds like you are shooting a lot of moving creatures (kids?) I would suggest getting a short term rental on the 7d and see if it does what you want. There is no use trying to test this in the camera store or best buy with kids running up and down the aisles ... The other would be to borrow a camera from someone in the local photo club if you have one in your town.

    Your request points out the "gap" in reasonably quick frame rate/auto focus. The jump from the 7d to 1 series is pretty darn lengthy.
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    I think I would benefit more with the crop, since the I only do wide for concerts occasionally, and landscape very rarely.

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    If you like the image quality of the T3i and really looking for autofocus - the 7d sounds like the way to go - used on Fleabay etc might be the way get one inexpensively.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    The EF 28-135mm was designed for FF and not optimized for APS-c sized so it's actually softer than the 18-55mm's range and as stated before 28mm is not very wide. At the long end compared to the compared to the 55-250mm the 28-135mm is more or less the same giving or taking depending on what focal length.

    The EF-s 18-135mm is even worst, just more range not any sharper. On the long end however the it is about the same as the 55-250mm and actually sharper at 135mm noticebly.

    I would not recomend any of these lenses above and would recomend the 17-55mm f/2.8 IS (the sharpest lens for 1.6 bodies), 15-85mm and Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 (cheap and sharp). The Tokina 11-16mm woud be a great addition to the kit as well.

    If you could stretch for it a used 5D II or 6D would give much bigger IQ jump with the 24-105mm f/4 IS or even better with the 24-70mm f/2.8. To compare with the ISO 112233 charts, start with the same equivalent focal length for both bodies (24mm for FF and 15mm for APS-C or close to it), and the same DOF (about 1 1/3 stop but one stop is close enough if thats all the is given), f/3.5 for APS-c and f/5.6 for FF. That way you get the same image for both formats, don't worry about noise because there is a 1 1/3 stop advantage of noise for FF (5D II probably a little more for the 6D) so use a higher ISO to match the exposure. You will find that FF has a very nice IQ advantage compared even to the best lens for APS-c.

    But if you need or want speed then that disqualifies it.

    Hope this helps,
    Last edited by FastGass; 09-22-2012 at 04:31 PM.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Kombi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidWare View Post
    -How does the 18-135mm compare to the 18-55mm that it will be replacing? Is it the same performance just with more range? Or is one better than the other? Would the 28-135mm be the better choice over the 18-135mm? The wider angle I am losing would not be an issue since I am planning on getting the Tokina 11-16mm down the line.

    review is of 15-85 but seems to answer all above questions all in one review.

    -Any pros the T3i has over the 7D? Other than something to do with weight, dimensions, cost? Other than the VariAngle screen?
    No Pros to the T3i over the 7D (Other than smaller body,lighter,less expensive and has VariAngle Screen)
    The 7D is better build quality, and weather sealed. Plus has DUAL digic 4 processors as opposed to one on your T3i

    I'd consider getting just the body, not a kit, then choose a lens.

    I have a T2i and look quite often at the 7d or 60D and debate if I should upgrade.

    the #1 reason I would is fps of RAW images.
    When trying to capture the dogs playing the t2i shoots 3.7 fps and the 7d shoots 8 fps. essentially doubling the odds of getting the shot I want.
    Last edited by Kombi; 09-22-2012 at 08:58 PM.

  9. #9
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    Thanks for all the input you guys. I think I am going to purchase the 18-55, then sell the T3i, kit lens, battery grip, extra battery, and spare tripod and camera bag together to help towards getting the 7D.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Kombi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidWare View Post
    Thanks for all the input you guys. I think I am going to purchase the 18-55, then sell the T3i, kit lens, battery grip, extra battery, and spare tripod and camera bag together to help towards getting the 7D.
    just for clarification it is the 17-55 that is highly recommended

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