Hey guys. So I borrowed my buddy's 7D over the long weekend here in Canada and shot some test footage and shot some test pics. That pretty much sealed the deal. I'm getting one next week! I'll post some of my stuff. For those interested in the video I have some basic stuff here To go along with my lovely 7D (drooling already) I noticed my dads tripod to have gone to heaven, and am in search of a new one. My mind has me set on the Manfrotto 190XPROB Legs combined with the Induro BHD0 Ball Head http://www.indurogear.com/products_details_BHD0.html#1 It's pretty much a carbon copy of the Arca Swiss models at about 1/10000000 of the price... Anybody out there used these? Tried it out in the store and didn't have a problem with it. But how about in the field....

