Call me remedial, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to get rid of the grey border around the actual picture. Every time I crop the image, it goes microscopic and reads 1px in width. This happens regardless of what area, or how much I crop.

If anyone cares to take a stab at it, the action can be downloaded here. I am using the "Aging" and "Color" actions.

Image is from homecoming this past weekend (I go to a private school w/o a football team so we have ours 3 weeks after everyone else). I took the girl in the middle. We decided on balloons instead of flowers. Cause after all, three balloons is only like $4.00 Oh yeah, she got her dress from goodwill for about $11.00 haha. I got a matching tie for $7.00. Total budget, $22.00. Her idea I swear!

