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Thread: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

  1. #1
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    Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Help please

    I have a 5dmkII - very happy with it but just had the kiss of death Error 30 - mirror seems to be locking up and not releasing within given time frame, so off to the canon repair centre, but that leaves me in a small problem as I flyout in a few days for Germany and Switzerland for a few weeks camera-less (apart from the Ixus).

    So I could spend the money on a rental for the period or do I look at an additional complimentory/backup camera perhaps the 7d, 50d or the 550d?

    I have the following glass 16-35L 2.8II, 70-200L 2.8is, 100L 2.8is, 24-105L 4is and the 50 1.4.

    I was initially thinking of a 50d as a backup until this situation arose and now after reading the reviews of the 7d and the 550d I am more confused over the decision.

    Your thoughts would be most welcome.

  2. #2
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    I did have a 7D as a back up to my 5DmkII but recently sold it. Now I'm contemplating a used 5DmkI or maybe even a used second 5DII.

    The 7D was a good camera, but it feels a little unnatural going full frame to crop. I shoot mostly portrait, products and interiors with some PJ stuff so I really prefer FF. Plus I lost my flavor for the 7D when I shot an indoor event without a flash, the high ISO coupled with the less than great IQ really reduced its usefulness as second camera for me. So I sold it while I could still get close to retail for it.

  3. #3
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    +1 on that.

    I've used crop and FF camera's at the same time a couple occasions, but it's just weird to me and I often don't like the crop-camera results.

    If I were in your position I would look at a second hand 5DI, 5D2 or perhaps a 1D second hand.

    But if you like the idea of having 2 different camera's... crop and FF... I guess if you're not planning on using it a lot, a 40D would do great as well..

    Just my idea..


  4. #4
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    I had thought about the Crop vs FF issue, but didn't think it would be a problem (but then again I spent a while mulling over the 5dII originally and it was the FF that really swung it for me).

    I've not really used anything other than FF (jumped into Digital from Film having sold up to finance the move).

    The main issue I have is timescale as I leave in 4 days, new available next day, 2nd user may need to seach around a bit (and the thought that I may be buying a lemon!). But it has made me remember why I purchased the 5dii originally and the rental may be the route and look around for a 2nd user 5dii.

    I did have a fleeting thought that my wife may use it as a second camera (given I have the glass) but it's not the main driver.


  5. #5
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky

    +1 on that.

    I've used crop and FF camera's at the same time a couple occasions, but it's just weird to me and I often don't like the crop-camera results.

    If I were in your position I would look at a second hand 5DI, 5D2 or perhaps a 1D second hand.

    But if you like the idea of having 2 different camera's... crop and FF... I guess if you're not planning on using it a lot, a 40D would do great as well..

    Just my idea..


    I think I'd go 50D. When I had my 40D, I felt weird handing my clients files from a 21MP camera and then some from a 10MP camera. At least 15MP is a little closer.

    There is a camera shop by me that actually has a brand new 5DmkI, I think it was marked down to $1400. I'm going to call about it today.
    My only reservation is how prone to dust the sensor is. I do like the idea of having all generations of the 5Ds since I'm sure I'll own the mkIII some day.

  6. #6
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Ouch that makes it hard. Well if your wife is going to use it more seriously I guess a crop wouldn't hurt you that much. It's just that if you're using the 5D and a crop simultaneously it feels not right so you'll probably leave it hanging anyway. And since you're having the film-background it would probably look very weird.

    Since your longest lens is 200mm a crop wouldn't be a big advancement in subjects like birding and wildlife. So I don't see the use of a crop if you plan on using it for longer zoom-capability.

    Shame that body-renting is so expensive...

    Well if it's just for the holidays I guess you could live with pretty much anything as long as it's a DSLR?

    Money-wise the 50D is the safest bet if you're not sure about future use. The 7D is twice as expensive and if you're not going to sure about the usage after your 5D gets back it could be quite some money wasting. The 550D, albeit a great camera, about the same price of a 50D, but the build is for little people [:P] and your lenses could feel somewhat unnatural on it.

    Hmm remains a though decision, good luck!


  7. #7
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Quote Originally Posted by ueella

    I had thought about the Crop vs FF issue, but didn't think it would be a problem (but then again I spent a while mulling over the 5dII originally and it was the FF that really swung it for me).

    I've not really used anything other than FF (jumped into Digital from Film having sold up to finance the move).

    Well, you shoot mostly zooms so it may not be that bad until you try to go to wide end of the ranges. Shooting crop to me is a little inhibiting unless my 100-400 is attached to it. It's funny because I feel lost with that lens on my 5DII.

  8. #8
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    Shooting crop to me is a little inhibiting unless my 100-400 is attached to it. It's funny because I feel lost with that lens on my 5DII.

    Funny, I thought the results of the 100-400 on my 5D2 looked way better than the results I got from the 7D/100-400 combo [:P] But then I could live with a maximum focal length of 400mm on FF. Else I might have had different thoughts about it...

  9. #9
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheiky

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
    Shooting crop to me is a little inhibiting unless my 100-400 is attached to it. It's funny because I feel lost with that lens on my 5DII.

    Funny, I thought the results of the 100-400 on my 5D2 looked way better than the results I got from the 7D/100-400 combo [img]/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img] But then I could live with a maximum focal length of 400mm on FF. Else I might have had different thoughts about it...

    Oh yeah the images are smoother and sharper. I just meant the crop factor. There is a huge difference between 400 and 640. And in the super telephoto range the flatness of the crop sensor images is not as detracting. I get nicer colors with the 5DII 100-400 combo. Regardless of the lens, the colors I got from the 7D were always a little flat.

  10. #10
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    Re: Backup Camera to 5d MkII - 7d, 50d or 550d ?

    Ok, so we're on the same page here []

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