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Thread: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    I took a vacation day from work today on spur of the momentin hopes of getting some decent bald eagle shots. Worst scenario I thought would be if the birds weren't there waiting for me when I arrived but sure enough there they were! Flying high and sitting in the tree just waiting for me! []

    Lighting was perfect, I had my 7d, 100-400mm, remote shutter release, tripod, 1.4x II extension and tripod! All good to go! Photos are looking absolutely awesome on my camera!!! My spirits are flying about as high as these birds and then ...I get home, load them on the computer and they look horrible!!! My spirits have taken a flying dive into the toilet! [:'(]

    I am only few keystrokes away from selling almost all of my photography equipment & buying a 1d mk III or IV and a 600mm lens and be done with it.

    When I started photography a year ago, all of it was so exciting ...birding, portraits, everything! But the last few times out with the camera, I found out one fact passion is in nature and wildlife, with or without a camera in hand. So, I am really wondering if I should even be owning anything other than what would be good for that purpose.

    For anyone that reads this, thanks for listening!


  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!


  3. #3
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    Hi Denise,

    Sorry to hear about your spririts taking a flying dive. I am sure it isn't warranted. Actually, I think Daniel Browning recently wrote to someone "Post the pictures or it didn't happen." So, pick a couple and let's see 'em! []

    BTW...I had a lot of trouble with eagles....I probably only kept 1 in 10 to15pictures I took. So, if your keeper rate is better than that, you are ahead of me!


  4. #4

    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    Please post some, did you shoot raw or jpg? The back of your camera will look better than on the pc some times.

  5. #5
    Moderator Steve U's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    There, there, let it all out. Being a bloke I tend to like fixing things and if a mate has a problem we'll have a chat, a few uneasy silences, a couple of wines and come up with a whole heap of solutions.

    But for you Denise, if you are frustrated, I still think a couple of wines and a friendly ear is all that I can offer. I enjoy looking at your shots and you have a lot of talent, it sounds like it has been a tough Winter but Spring has sprung and things are going to get better[H].

    If nature and wildlife is your thing then make it happen. But don't forget that there is a lot of "landscape" around you when doing the wildlife thing and there could be lots of different perspectives to shoot if the wildlife is not playing ball. Think interesting composition and DOF experiments with your scenic landscapes.

    Just keep shooting and don't be too hard on yourself.

    We are all big fans of ddt.

    Steve U
    Wine, Food and Photography Student and Connoisseur

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    They say the difference between a student and a Master is 10,000 mistakes (well, maybe 20,000 mistakes in my case). Keep the photos you despise now and look at them in one year from now. You

  7. #7
    Senior Member Andy Stringer's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve U
    We are all big fans of ddt
    I couldn't have put it better myself. Steve, you have posted enough pictures of empty wine bottles, so we know you follow your own advice, and it seems to work for me too.

    Densie, I'm sure everyone here has frustrating days behind the lens. It all adds to your experience and I'm sure you'll improve as a result. Looking back at some of your earliest posts here, the improvement over the last year or so is remarkable. Don't give up, we enjoy your contributions too much.
    Last edited by Andy Stringer; 11-12-2011 at 11:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Bill W's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    Denise....I found the 100-400 frustrating also...a tough lens to learn. It has quite a few limitations, e.g. low light situations, focusing in low light, long distance focusing (inherent in long lenses) bokeh, etc. Aside; I found the 7D helped the 100-400 lighting issues exponentially over the 40D.

    My suggestions to you is first; don

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!

    Thank you so much everyone!!!

    Steve, most definitely I could use a glass of wine (or three) right about now!!

    Bill - You are so right in regard to alot of what you mentioned! I am trying to reach farther than what the 100-400mm can provide for me and it is extremely frustrating! I did do some manual focusing with the extender and I thought they looked better than what they ended up being on my computer. I also put a CPL on but it took longer to auto focus and by the time it did the bird was good so I took it off.

    Sean - I am getting closer and closer to figuring it out every day. I think I

  10. #10
    Senior Member doggiedoc's Avatar
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    Re: My frustration level is at its peak right now!


    I feel your pain. Don

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