I'm posting a few crops of pics taken with my 85 f/1.2- I'm interested to hear from other users of this lens if the sharpness/CA are within the range of what should be expected from this lens (Keith- I'm particularly interested in your opinion)

sharpness looks pretty good to me (at least, for the tiny part of the
pic that is in focus )


Note, though, the obvious CA:


Of course, glints of sunlight are pretty tough, but is this worse than usual?

Light bulbs at night are tougher still; here is another 1-1 crop wide open:


Now imagine trying to take pictures of stars at night with this thing without stopping down

This is a lot of CA, but is it more than expected? The
50 f/1.4 is almost as bad, but not quite. The CA on either lens goes
down significantly (almost dramatically) when stopped down to f/2. And even wide open, I see no CA in most situations. This is also shot @ f/1.2:


And finally, the surest way to avoid CA (@ f//1.2 again):
