I am wondering if I should chalk this up to a bad first experience or if I can somehow make good of a bad situation!

I stopped to shoot at a small lake after work and this lady walked up behind me and said, "Excuse me, will it ruinthe shots you are trying to get if I let my dog swim in the water?" Being the dog lover that I am I was thrilled! I took a number of shots of the dog running in and out of the water after "Mr. Chuckie" ...his water toy! This dog was super friendly and absolutely loved to swim! I had never seen a happier dog!

We talked alittle bit about me wanting to get into pet photography and she gave me her email address to send her some photos.

I thought I would send her one or two and load the rest up on my website for her to purchase if she wanted. Well, now that I am looking at the shots on my computer ...they stink!! It was really getting dark and cloudy so my settings were not at all good.

Anyway, should I just let it go? Send her one or two? I know I will be seeing her again at the same spot since we both frequent it at the same time of day. I could tell her I'd like to try again with the better lighting. I hate losing out on the chance at my first real experience shooting for someone when this could lead to somethingbut of course I don't want to pass out bad photos either!

I haven't gone thru all of the photos yet since it is really late. Maybe tomorrow with a fresh mind, I will be able to do some better post-processing and get a few that I could put on my website. She said she wouldn't mind if I just added them to my portfolio.

Here are a few I did tonight. Any suggestions or advice?