I'm really trying hard to figure out which way to go on this one. I use only 1.6 crop bodies (t1i, 7D, and 20D) and I mainly shoot portrait and wedding work with natural lighting. I love the bokeh that my 50mm 1.4 lens gives me but I sometimes wish I was shooting just a tad bit wider that way I wouldn't have to step that extra step back, but at the same time I try to keep most of my portraits within that 1.4 to 2.8 range unless I have more than two people in the frame. I know the 35 L is an awesome lens and honestly that's what I'm leaning more towards but I'm second guessing my decision because I feel like the 24-70mm L maybe a better decision for the wedding aspect because it's more of a broad range and would require me to change lenses less... All in all I'm looking for any thoughts or picture examples to help me narrow my decision down... Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...

Here's also a link to my blog so you can get an idea of what I shoot usually...

