So I got the Rebel XSI kit some 8 months ago, and while the kit EF-S 18-55mm lens has served me well, I think I'm ready to get something nicer, something without barrel disortion and with a bit more meat behind it - basicly a good, every day, walk-around lens thats not an entry level unit. Staying with the Canon name is nice but not completely nessassary. Image Stablizing, on the other hand, does rank highly on the features I want.

I had my eye on on the Canon 17-85mm IS USM - the IS is attractive and the price is right (if I can seal this deal at or under 500 bones, I'm golden), but the reports of vignetting is a turn off. Is it as bad as "they" say?

In short, anyone have some favorite wide-angle to mild telephoto lenses that wont break the bank? Something simiar to the EF-S 18-55mm, but better?