Does anybody own both the 70-200 2.8II and the f4 IS version, and preferably a FF body? I am interested in seeing a comparison between the two in terms of their bokeh. I'd prefer to see an apples to apples comparison, same focal length, same composition, one at 2.8, the other at f4 (preferably both at 200mm). If somebody could either do this comparison for me, or show me where it's been done before, I'd be really appreciative!

I've seen the bokeh calculators, which are marginally helpful. It'd be nice to see actual photos in a real world situation.

I am looking to pick up one of these lenses to use for portraits, so bokeh is key. The lighter weight and lower price of the f4 is obviously tempting, so I'm wondering if the extra stop is worth the extra $1500 in terms of bokeh alone. I'm not terribly concerned about low light, between my 5DII and the IS of the f4, it is basically a wash. I mostly shoot strobist style anyway, so I rarely encounter low light to begin with.