I really enjoyed the discussion that was started on the tilt shift lenses a few months ago.
I wish we could continue this topic as I would like add this technique to my portfolio.

I have the following questions.
I have reviewed the canon lenses and would like some input into what focus length those who use any of these lenses find most useful
(17 24 45 90?)
I am leaning to a longer focus length as I have liked what I have seen in image reviews. I don't really know where to fit this in to my wedding portfolio so that is why I am not sure what focal length to start with.
I am willing to invest the time to learn to use it correctly.

Second has any one ever heard ofArsat Arax Photex 35mm f/2.8 Tilt Shift Lens or any of products by this manufacturer as the price point is almost half of canon.
I use all canon equipment now and I should not shy away from the price point but this is such a new area I am not sure I want to make the investment.

So any comments on tilt shift are appreciated not just equipment reviews.

As always
Thank you.
still getting used to the new forum