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Thread: Photography Regulations in Central Europe

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Photography Regulations in Central Europe

    In March, myself and approximately 250 other individuals are doing a music performance tour from Amsterdam through Germany, eventuallyending in Salzburg. I am the group photographer and have nearly everything setup for the trip. However, I am worried that in some of the cities (Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich) have regulations with regards to "commercial" photography (tripods/2-3 monoblocs) in the cities. Does anyone have experience within these cities and have any advice to offer as to how to avoid problems?



  2. #2

    Re: Photography Regulations in Central Europe

    Maybe you will find more information here:

    Scroll down and you will find all the countries listed.

    Generally speaking European laws are strict. If you are doing a "setup" with lights etc. you need to contact the police for permission. Normally it is easy to get permission. Even street photography is regulated. If you want to be on the safe side, send an email to the American Embassy in the country you are going to visit.

  3. #3

    Re: Photography Regulations in Central Europe

    I don't know anything about the regulations, but are you going with a choir? 250 people is a large group. :-)

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Photography Regulations in Central Europe

    It's actually Spruce Creek High School's overseas tour for this year. 150+ students, a large chaperone/spirit group, and directors (236? total). I fear that grabbing their attention for more than a few minutes isn't going to work too well, so the faster the better. Due to weight/portability considerations, might be better to shoot just available light or a few 580exii's rather than dragging an AB800 fleet, but still dealing with tripod and maybe light stands. Thanks for the comment about the embassy; I didn't think of that and they're probably exactly who I need to talk to.

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