Dear all i had purchased 5dmkIII as upgrade over my 5D MKII . I simply love MKIII camera until yesterday when the camera simply stopped auto focusing. I have done all that i could think of .
1) removing the battery and recharging it to full.
2) removing the CF card it doesn't shoot even if the shoot without CF card is enabled.
3) checked the MF switch on the lens .
4) changed and tried at least 5-6 diff lenses.
5) cleared all custom functions.
6) set the camera again to default factory settings.

How ever it does the following.
1) can shoot in Manual Focus Mode .
2) Can shoot auto focus in Live View Mode
3) Can Shoot in Movie Mode.

It just simply doesn't shoot in any mode even the full auto mode . I am not sure if i did some wrong settings . please help me guys what to go . I am based at a place where there is no cannon authorized service center so it may take 3-4 weeks for me to send it and get it back from the canon center.
Please help me guys
regards and thanks