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Thread: picture style with the 5D2 and 1D4

  1. #1

    picture style with the 5D2 and 1D4

    Because I don´t store always capture my photos as raw file I thougt to use picture Style. I made the expierience that especially landscape picture need some push up in contrast und color saturation. I have test it myself.

    But does anybody have expierence with the picture style settings for landscape pictures and

    standard motives. I mean I always can add or deduct contrast for JPEGs But it is a question of

    using the entire features the 5D2 and the 1D4 offers.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Netherlands

    Re: picture style with the 5D2 and 1D4

    Hey Roland,

    I only use picture styles for video-ing or very large time-lapses(but still...I would be pushing myself to RAW). For normal stills it's always RAW.

    Personally I think you shouldn't be using jpeg with any of both camera's [:P] At least I would be pissed if a totally awesome photo, accidentaly shot with the wrong picture style/whitebalance etc etc, would be messed up by shooting in jpeg and leaving me with less room to play with.

    Memorycards and HD's aren't that expensive(compared to a 1D4 the're trow-aways[:P], so my best advice is to use RAW pretty much full-time unless you absolutely can't.


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