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Thread: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

  1. #1
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    I took these two images on a sunrise walk a few weeks ago, and recently submitted them to a local photo exhibition. However, I wasn't able to attend the opening, so I missed the opportunity for some in-person C&C. These were cropped to 8x10" format, but otherwise not post processed.

    Thanks for your C&amp;C!


    "Troubled Bridge Over Water."

    EOS 7D, EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM @ 55mm, 1/2 s, f/13, ISO 100

    "More Than I Can Chew."

    EOS 7D, EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6<span style="color: red;"]LIS USM @ 400mm, 1/1000s, f/6.3, ISO 3200

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mark Elberson's Avatar
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    <span style="font-size: 8pt; color: #000000; font-family: 'Verdana','sans-serif';"]Nice pictures you've got there. I really like the squirrel. Although I like the troubled bridge (I wonder how many will get the Simon and Garfunkel reference) I would prefer to see it in the portrait orientation and I wish the leftmost part of the bridge was not cut off.

  3. #3
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    I like the shots too mirroring the same thoughts at Mark. For the squirrel shot I think it would have benefited from a lower perspective. The higher perspective throw me off. The railingruns out of the picture at a weird angle. Beside that [Y]. And I also got the Simon and Garfunkel reference too.

  4. #4
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    Thanks for the comments, guys! You've highlighted an upcoming 'personal assignment' for me - take a series of shots in both orientations...

  5. #5
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    I really like the squirrel shot.

    The bridge shot is lacking drama. Maybe a slightly more oblique angle shot at wider angle too. Maybe shoot it later in the day so that some sunlight hits the bridge causing some shadow that will give it more contrast. That would also help with the overexposed trees that are a little distracting.

  6. #6
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    Hey John,
    your first image is technically and compositionally sound. Good Work with that, but if you don't mind my saying so I don't think there's anything that distinguishes it from the crowd, so to speak.

    Your 2nd image is awesome but ISO 3200 is starting to kill you. Run some noise reduction or use a lower shutter speed.

    Good Luck!


  7. #7

    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    i love a good reflection , and the first image is flawless good job, nice warm tone too.

    ahh i want the 17-55mm soooo bad.

  8. #8
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    Thanks Keith, Brendan, and canon-ball!

    Keith, I actually tried a lower angle shot there (splayed-out tripod, near ground level), but I preferred the shot with more of the reflections visible. I agree that the overexposed trees are distracting, a necessity (without HDR or selective PP) since I was exposing for the reflections, primarily.

    Brendan, yeah I wasn't happy about ISO 3200 for the American red squirrel. It was a grab shot - I was standing at the end of the bridge, shooting birds flying over the marsh in manual mode with those shutter/aperture settings (and auto ISO) when I happened to look down and saw that little guy in the shade.

    Canon-ball, yes, the EF-S 17-55mm is an excellent lens - very versatile and IMO the best general purpose zoom for a 1.6x crop body.

  9. #9
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    Love the bridge picture. Nature is never that nice to me at a 1/2s! You know if you had a Full Frame with a EF-17-40mm, you'd a got the whole bridge. Just sayin' I got the music reference too, but only because my Great Grandmother listen to them.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  10. #10
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Image Critique: Still and 'wild' life

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke

    Love the bridge picture. Nature is never that nice to me at a 1/2s!I got the music reference too, but only because my Great Grandmother listen to them.

    Thanks! How early do you get up? That pic was taken just after sunrise, meaning a very early alarm. [] Maybe it's just easier for us 'old fogies' to get up earlier than you young whippersnappers... [:P] (This particular 'old fogie' hasn't hit 40 yet, mind you.)

    That's the best time of day for reflections in water, since the air is often still so the water surface is smooth.

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke
    You know if you had a Full Frame with a EF-17-40mm, you'd a got the whole bridge. Just sayin'

    That shot was taken at 55mm, the long end of my EF-S 17-55mm - I could have gone a lot wider, and even wider if I'd put on the EF-S 10-22mm (which at the widest end is the equivalent of 16mm on a FF camera).

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