Ok. Bear with me on this post....

I used to have the original 5D. I loved it!! Great camera, took phenomenal pics, FF, and I loved it. Then the Mark ll was announced, jumped ship, sold the mark 1, bought the 2, and I love it!!


I now have the Mark ll, and my Mark IV, and they are the best combination(besides the 1DS Marklll) for shooting everything. Unfortunately, I only use the 5Dll for photo shoots, and an occasional walk around, whereas the Mark IV goes everywhere, and gets used ALL THE TIME, and for everything!! The image quality of both is astounding, but I would have to give the 4 the hands down winner overall.

So, my question is...knowing I need 2 cameras(and my wife agrees[]), and times being what they are[], i have contemplated selling the Mark ll.

And buying a used original 5D!!!

Am I CRAZY??? HELP....