I would appreciate some advice from the experienced travelers on the forum!

My wife and I are planning to spend our 25th anniversary in Costa Rica for about a week. It seems that every time I travel with the DSLR – I always over-pack. Any recommendations would be very much appreciated.
I really enjoyed the pictures from Kayaker’s trip there earlier in the year – and would be glad to hear your opinion! It looks like many awesome shots used the 1.6x crop and 400mm combination.

These are a few options I am considering:
1) 5D3;8-15L;40pc;24-105L;70-200L2.8v2;2ext3;100L;(60D;300L4;1.4ext2 for telephoto)
2) 5D3;8-15L;40pc;[70-300L-would need to buy];100L;(60D;300L4;1.4ext2 for telephoto)
3) 5D3;8-15L;40pc;[70-300L-would need to buy];100L;300L4;1.4ext2 (heavy cropping in PP)
4) 5D3;8-15L;40pc;[70-300L-would need to buy];100L;70-200Lv2;2ext3 (heavy cropping PP)
5) S100

As noted – I am considering buying the 70-300L for traveling, and would like to hear others thoughts on IQ satisfaction compared to the 24-105 f/4L and the 70-200f/2.8L v2 (at comparable apertures and focal distances) since that is what I am used to and happy with.
I have spent hours comparing the ISO charts but also realize there is more to it than that.

Would anyone recommend a speedlite flash for the wildlife there?

Being an amateur – it is hard to say what “type” of photography best describes my interests (I still am shoting at everything that gets in front of me), but here are a few that may be helpful to your suggestions:
-Wildlife (both telephoto and macro..nothing underwater unless it is through a glass bottom boat!)
-Scenery/landscape (flowers, beaches, sunrise, rivers, etc.)
-people (portrait, action)

Thanks in advance – I really appreciate the great information provided by this site and forum.