Currently shooting with a Rebel XS. Have never been really happy with the image quality of this body, even with a nice lens (EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS). Not exactly sure why, but I have even wondered if the body is faulty in some way, but not sure how I'd prove/figure that out.

At any rate, I the possibility exists for me to pick up a used 30D from a friend of mine. In holding it, I am very impressed with the build quality vs. the XS. My main question is, I know the 30D is somewhat outdated. That being said, being a higher-end body, would I expect better image quality from this body vs. the XS, even though it is an older model? I have seen some of the pictures my friend has taken with it, and I'm quite impressed. At least I know if I couldn't produce with this body and the glass I have, it must be me and my technique!