
18-55 mm lens, 1/2000, F00 (Unable to adjust F-stop with extension tub attached), 18 mm, 55 mm extension tube, ISO 1600, 18 mm


Snakeberry - 18-55 mm lens, 1/1000, 55 mm extension, ISO 1600, 18 mm


Inch worm! - 55-250 mm, 1/4000, ISO 400, 55 mm extension, 100 mm


(Wife took this one)55-250 mm, 1/1000, ISO 1600, 250 mm, 25 mm extension


(Wheat field at sunset) 18-55 mm, 1/80, ISO 1600, 55 mm extension, 18 mm

I think they turned out pretty good, we have a lot more but I just posted a few highlights. My wife captured some really amazing insect shots. I can post them later if anyone would like to see them. But I think they're awesome so I'll probably post them no matter what.