Hi All, thanks in advance for any help you send my way. I'll try to be as quick as possible explaining my situation. I'm a new DSLR owner (6months) I tentatively entered the realm before an extended trip to asia, and so (with a tinge of regret) bot an XTi kit. I quickly started to understand the nuances and limitations of the kit lens but overall was happy with the cameras performance. Now I find myself a) obsessed with upgrading my system b) in analysis paralysis about what to do!!! So this leads me to the 2 questions I have, and I say this knowing that a consumer grade camera is fine for me (as of now).My current kit consists of the XTi 18-55 and the EFS 55-250. So.....

1) Do I upgrade the XTi to say the T1i and then trade in the 55-250 for something else (thinking the 18-200) and maybe a fixed wide?

2) Is that upgrade unnecessary and should I just get the new lenses and be done with it? Am I really going to notice some better quality shots coming out of the T1i (i know most have not had a chance to really get their hands on it)

3) What about the Tamron 17-270 or some less expensive options that may be sufficient for my level of sophistication.

As far as my uses I live in NYC so the urban landscape provides me with ample opps for interesting shots, I also travel 2x a year to reasonably beautiful locales!

Thanks Again for the help, I have been losing sleep at night, the old "analysis paralysis" has kicked in full force!!!