I need your help here guys (hint: Nate). Please, only those with personal experience; don't turn it into a general discussion or anything like that - don't reply unless you are 100% sure about what you say (ok ok, 97% is fine too [:P]).

So this is my question: I found a local guy who sells this lens and I took a few shots with it - all handheld with my 50D.

Below are 100% crops from the center of the frame. I only shoot RAW. AF was set on Servo. Frame rate was set to continuous high (read: 6.3 fps) if that matters.

Are those considered sharp or not?

1. 1/800, f5.6, ISO400, EC: 0, standard pic style in DPP (sharpen: 3, all the rest: 0)

2. 1/6400, f6.3, ISO1600, EC: 1 1/3, standard pic style in DPP (sharpen: 3, all the rest: 0)

[yeah I should have used ISO 400 or even 100, but I simply forgot]