Hi All -

The other morning I took a trip to Horicon Marsh and when I got there, the fog was so thick that I could hardly see anything! So needless to say, many of the early a.m. photos I took need help ...lots of help!

Here is one that the original photo is unquestionably NOT a keeper! But I thought maybe with some work, it may be saveable! I really like the detail in the tree and where the hawk is sitting. Since I have nothing but time on my hands these days, I thought I would try a few different ways of processing it.

What do you think? I just thought I'd ask opinions before I delete the original ...are any of these keepers? I'm also up for ideas or other pp techniques. I was thinking maybe a dark eerie approach since it was so foggy and he sort of startled me when I first spotted him!





Thanks for looking!
