Hi Everyone,

I am following Trowski's lead. Below are a few pictures I took on Sunday. After taking them I read that a polarizer filter helps with foliage, so I will try that this weekend. Also, I was curious what people do to help with a cloudy/overcast ski (if anything).

Finally, I wanted to let New Englanders that may be interested in foliage know that the season is one of the better in recent memory but also ahead of schedule. This weekend may be a good time to get out in the White Mountains. The maples have definitely turned, a few of the others are still green.

All shots are with a Canon 7D, EFS 15-85.

Below: 15 mm, 1/100, f 6.3, ISO 400


Below: 15 mm, 1/100, f 6.3 ISO 400


Below: 85 mm, 1/400, f/5.6, ISO 400
