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Thread: Canon 7D V Canon 1DMK3

  1. #1

    Canon 7D V Canon 1DMK3

    <span style="font-size: small; font-family: Times New Roman;"]Been using my 1DS 3 for the first time in ages having spent the summer taking shots of motorcycles with the 7D. I love the 1D for its build quality and outstanding image quality i just dont get with the 7D. Its a full frame thing. That said its useless for sports. Anyway, with the paint rapidly stripping from my 7D from wear and tear, something that never happens on the 1 i had a look at some bike pics shot in very dull poor light at iso 1000 on the 7D. As expected outstanding detail but noisy. Not bad, easily removed but not a patch on my 1DS. So this got me thinking , has anyone got a direct comparison shot of a 1D3 against a 7D at higher ISO? I want as little noise as possible at higher ISO on a crop and the 1D looks the one in that i know it has that build quality im used to.

    Please dont use computer jargon in replying or technicalities. Its a pure, whats the lowest noise. Im aware of the 7D wonderfull detail. I only print up to A2.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Vancouver, Washington, USA

    Re: Canon 7D V Canon 1DMK3

    Is it the 1Ds3 or the 1D3? Second, are you limited by the focal length? (By that, I mean would you use both cameras at the same maximum focal length and then crop in post? Or do you use them at different focal lengths to get the same angle of view, such as the 1Ds3 at 200mm and the 7D at 125mm?)

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