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Thread: A T ISO engineering fro RANGES of ACCEPTABILITY

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    Senior Member iND's Avatar
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    A T ISO engineering fro RANGES of ACCEPTABILITY

    Would it be too difficult to have a custom mode with multiple parameter RANGES?

    Example: of how I might use it

    T: set not to go below 1/100 or faster than 1/250

    A: set not to go below F8 or above F11

    P: start at ISO 400 and auto increase to keep T / A in their windows of acceptability but stay less than say 2000

    This would be great and as it would automatically push the ISO when the metering falls outside the parameters.

    This would solve a problem like this:

    ISO 400 / A priority F8 / (this is typical of an outside group shot)

    But T could default to 1/30 (below handheld) (and result in a blurred shot)
    when I would have preferred the ISO to increase and keep the T above 60.
    Yes I can do this manually but sometimes I get side tracked with posing and don't realize the low T (and I don't be testosterone)
    until i get to to photoshop

    Could the Canon engineers work on this ?
    Or is it available and I don’t know it?
    Last edited by iND; 09-22-2012 at 04:59 PM.

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