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Thread: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

  1. #1
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    24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    So I'm thinking of taking the plunge and investing in a 24-70 L. I think that I can really appreciate the extra speed of this lens when I'm shooting in low light (which is frequently). I really like the fact that it's a zoom - I've been debating on maybe getting a prime in this focal length range, but for my needs, this lens seems to be the most practical. My question is, in terms of image quality, will this lens be a (big) step up from my current EF-S 17-85 (mounted on a 40D)? Can you provide some images shot with the 24-70 L to solidify my decision? Help is appreciated.

    - Alex

  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    The short answer is yes, it's a significant step up in image quality. You may need another lens to cover the 17-24 range, though, as 24mm on a 40D body is 'normal' focal length, not wide angle. You might also consider the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, which has L lens image quality and preserves the wide end of the focal range (but then you'd obviously lose the >55mm part). If you have another lens to cover that (e.g. a 70-200 L zoom), you'd be set.

  3. #3
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?


    I'm also thinking about upgrading to the 24-70 L from the 17-85 (using a 50D).
    I also know that the 17-55 is a good lens, but the L lens seems nice and the focal length will work fine.

    But will I miss IS for hand held shoots.
    Have anybody experienced qulity issues with this lens. Read a review of callibration problems.

    The new 15-85 could also be a great lens, but it's not f/2.8.

    Looking forward to try out the 24-70 L.

  4. #4
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    Quote Originally Posted by soerenrom

    But will I miss IS for hand held shoots.

    Have anybody experienced qulity issues with this lens. Read a review of callibration problems.

    Quality issues with the 24-70? None. It is a beast. I've never calibrated mine it is pretty darn sharp on my 5DmkII.

    I love this lens. I don't know how much I'd like it on a crop though. I don't think it would be wide enough for my likes.

    Here are some shots from 24-70 on a 5DmkII

  5. #5
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    The short answer is yes, it's a significant step up in image quality.

    I knew it! That's what I figured.[]

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    You may need another lens to cover the 17-24 range, though, as 24mm on a 40D body is 'normal' focal length, not wide angle.

    Already have that covered - I use the Tokina 12-24mm f/4 to cover anything wider than 24mm.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    You might also consider the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM, which has L lens image quality and preserves the wide end of the focal range

    I thought about it, but I could see myself going full frame or APS-H in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
    If you have another lens to cover that (e.g. a 70-200 L zoom), you'd be set.

    That's my plan. As my shooting advances, and the need (and funds) arise for a faster telephoto lens, I can go ahead on a 70-200 2.8 L IS USM. In that case, I would have all focal lengths from 12mm to 200mm covered.

  6. #6

    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    Quote Originally Posted by alexniedra

    So I'm thinking of taking the plunge and investing in a 24-70 L. I think that I can really appreciate the extra speed of this lens when I'm shooting in low light (which is frequently). I really like the fact that it's a zoom - I've been debating on maybe getting a prime in this focal length range, but for my needs, this lens seems to be the most practical. My question is, in terms of image quality, will this lens be a (big) step up from my current EF-S 17-85 (mounted on a 40D)? Can you provide some images shot with the 24-70 L to solidify my decision? Help is appreciated.

    - Alex
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    So, I often sing the praises of the 24-70. I use it on my 5dII and my 20D, and I love it both. If anything, I find it more in my preferred focal length range on a crop body. I do a lot in low light: I would have missed many, many shots if I couldn't open up to 2.8.

    Someone recommended the 17-55. I bought this lens for my 20d, and I was never nuts for it. IS on a 2.8 walk-around is nice, but I was never satisfied with the image quality. I found colors the to be too dull, the barrel distortion to be of a very unpleasant nature, and some other quality of the photos just... lacking. It also accumulated a lot of internal dust; not awful for my shooting since I am generally at wide apertures, but boy it hurts resale value. It might have been because it was the second lens I ever owned, with the first being the 35L, but the fact remains. I'd say just pay the &lt;$300 more for the 24-70 (yey rebates!!) and get the superior lens.

    With the 24-70:


    I'm kinda new here. If there is standard netiquette here on what size people should post samples at, let me know it so I don't step on people's bandwidth-toes.

  7. #7
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?


  8. #8
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    I'd skip the 24-70L, its not great on a crop camera, and very front heavy on a smaller camera body, the balance is poor. On a bif 1 series FF camera, the 24-70 is a different story.

    Try the new 15-85mm zoom, or better yet, the 17-55mm EF-S. Its the lens others are compared to for that focal range on a EF-s camera, and its wonderful.

  9. #9
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    I'd skip the 24-70L, its not great on a crop camera, and very front heavy on a smaller camera body, the balance is poor. On a bif 1 series FF camera, the 24-70 is a different story.

    Try the new 15-85mm zoom, or better yet, the 17-55mm EF-S. Its the lens others are compared to for that focal range on a EF-s camera, and its wonderful.

  10. #10
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    Re: 24-70 L - A Step Up from the EF 17-85?

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    I'd skip the 24-70L

    Oops! Already got it. [] I really like it so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    Try the new 15-85mm zoom, or better yet, the 17-55mm EF-S.

    I was considering the EF-S 17-55, but I want to maintain full-frame compatibility. I may upgrade to full-frame as my shooting experience (and needs) grow.

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    Its the lens others are compared to for that focal range on a EF-s camera, and its wonderful.

    I agree with you. The EF-S 17-55 is simply superb optically.

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    its not great on a crop camera,

    For my shooting style, the focal range (and compatibility) offered by the 24-70 L is perfect.

    Quote Originally Posted by scalesusa
    and very front heavy on a smaller camera body, the balance is poor.

    I agree. Luckily, I'm using the battery grip on my Xti. On the 40D, the balance is much better, but overall, the setup is front-heavy. Maybe a 1D Mark III will solve this issue. []

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